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Social Media for Business

Have you heard of Social Media Networking, but you’re not really quite sure what it’s all about ?
Are you familiar with Social Media channels such as Facebook, Linked In, Google+ and Twitter, but you don’t have the time to create and manage them for your business ?

We are here to help you connect your business with your customers, utilising the well known social media networking channels !
Contact us for more information.


Social Media Services

We provide a social media update service, Facebook, twitter, Google+, linkedIn, PInterest …..

We can update your social media accounts on a daily or weekly basis dependent on your requirements.

            From £10 per week.  Info on Request

Google Ad Words Campaigns

Google Adwords can be a great way to position your brand effectively, capture new and returning clients, and advertise without large up-front costs.

We can discuss your aims and objectives and run a campaign for you.

Price dependent on requirements. Info on Request

Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing can be one of the most effective online channels to gain consumer loyalty online. It’s not for everyone or every business.   We can assist you with all things regarding email marketing from design to delivery.

Price dependent on requirements. Info on Request

Fletcher Technology – Social Media Campaigns for Business, based in Carshalton, Banstead, Sutton, Wallington & Surrounding Areas